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by Jen Silverman

directed by Jasmine Roth


An inventive retelling of a Jacobean drama, Jen Silverman's sharp, subversive fable debates how much our souls are worth when hope is hard to come by.​


Union College

Schenectady, NY 


February 13-16th​

in development

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Caesar & the Cult Girls 

by Jasmine Roth

with text from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar 


Five girls being raised in an extremist religious cult start reading Shakespeare's Julius Caesar just for fun. But when the play starts to mirror their own lives, they grapple with power, leadership and whether or not they'd kill Caesar. 

This play is looking for a home for development​




by Jasmine Roth


J struggles to accept her father’s death when so much of their relationship feels unresolved. The journey of grief leads her to a metaphysical cactus garden, where she encounters her father and can finally ask him to teach her to paint, but will what she discovers in the garden help her to let go? 


Commissioned by the New Hazlett Theatre

Carnegie Mellon University’s GSA/Provost GuSH Grant funding
was used to support this project

Developed in part at the Sable Project in Stockbridge, Vermont

current collaborations

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Tanya's Lit Clit 

Conceived by Emma Goldman-Sherman and Tatiana Baccari
Written by Emma Goldman-Sherman
Directed by Tat
iana Baccari

Co-choreographed by Jasmine Roth and Tatiana Baccari


TANYA'S LIT CLIT (TLC) is a modern-mythic play about Tanya, a White ballerina with a burning in her clitoris (a word she can barely utter!), and Dr. Violet, a Black urogynecologist with her own autoimmune diseases. In an epic journey led by a chorus of womxn+, Dr. Violet and Tanya embark on a wild investigation of the female body and the herstory of its treatment.


Tanya’s LIT CLIT is a new play currently in development commissioned by Experimental Bitch Presents and was part of the NY Theatre Barn Choreography Lab in March of 2023




by Kira Rockwell
irected Jasmine Roth 


Estranged from her pastoral family, Zoey is a prodigal daughter on the run from her Evangelical past and the Hellmouth she must fight her way through. An unruly parable that reverberates through time, space, and realms, beckoning you to face the wicked bitter beast(s) in your own life, especially the one looking back in the mirror.


Wicked Bitter Beast(s) was workshopped at Carnegie Mellon University in August 2023

produced and Directed by Jasmine Roth


Wicked Bitter Beast(s) is looking for more workshop and development opportunities 

director & choreographer
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